Our mobile dental anesthesiologist exclusively sees patients who require or request IV sedation or general anesthesia for their dental treatment.
Fear/anxiety about treatment
Many people have high anxiety about receiving dental treatments. Our anesthesiologist will administer just enough sedation, so that you will either be asleep or you will be completely unaware of the treatment.
Special needs
Have special needs such as Autism and Alzheimer’s, need services as a senior or a child? We are able to provide you with individualized treatment that fits each patient’s needs.
Extensive treatment needs
Some patients prefer to have a lot of dental treatment completed in one sitting. This can be done comfortably and safely with the aid of anesthesia. Hours can pass and it will feel like mere moments.
Opt to have a lot done in a short time
Trust the team that has the skill, training and experience to carry out your treatment safely and with a gentle touch. Dental care under anesthesia–it really is all we do.